"With the understanding that this project would be in cocord with the majority present, we sent requests to our chapters for opinions on this 'Bill of Rights'. The concensus of almost all our members was the same: 'Why?' The only rights we want are those given to us as whole people under the United States Bill of Rights, not a bill that would represent only a small part of ourselves a homosexual 'Bill of Rights'.
"The members then asked several of us to represent them at this Institute. This we came here to do. Unfortunately we now find that the program is not being run by a majority situation. This first became readily apparent during the luncheon, when almost everyone who stood up to speak said that his group was having a great deal of difficulty in functioning under the title 'Bill of Rights'. And even though the majority wanted the title reworded to something more workable, it was made quite clear that the title would stand. To find this true was quite a blow, to say the least.
"Originally we felt it to be an extremely pre sumptuous thing even for representatives of three homophile organizations to adopt a bill that, so titled, purports to be the wishes and thinking of all homosexuals. Thon to find that even the representation of such a small minority of homosexuals as we have here has no voice either is to us beyond sanction.
"Not only are we here being asked to adopt a 'Bill of Rights' demanding attitudes from society (which, coming from any other group we would certainly laugh at as being for the most part impossible wants,) but we are also being asked to adopt a bill whose use or final wording we have no jurisdiction over. You are asking us to sign our reputation at the bottom of a blank contract.
"We realize there are questionnairos to be considered, but in the light of the difficulty of those hore prosent in finding the same interpretation from questions asked we cannot help but doubt their validity.
"We sincerely hope that when we meet again there can be more of one-ness in goals. But for the present I must state that, in our position of representing 110 members